

Created in 2006, Sant “e “scalade is a health promotion initiative run by the eponymous non-profit association, which is completely independent of the Association de la Course de l’Escalade, which is responsible for organizing the Course de l’Escalade. Its committee is made up of a dozen volunteer members. Among them are specialists in health and education, who contribute their experience and skills to the association throughout the year.


The primary aim of the Sant “e “scalade association is to promote physical activity and the basics of a healthy, balanced diet among children aged 6 to 15 in the Canton of Geneva. The program relies on the involvement of project promoters, parents’ associations and specialists in nutrition and sports physiology to systematically guarantee high-quality supervision. Quality supervision is essential to the success of the sant “e “scalade program.


Fully in line with Sant “e “scalade’s objective of “promoting health through physical activity”, and created in 1999 during the UN’s International Year of Senior Citizens, training for the over-55s takes place over 12 weeks (sept.-nov.) under the supervision of specialists from the Athlética center.