
DECEMBER 7, 2024

  • Ranking & Prizes

    The Walking is a non-competitive activity to have fun while moving. As a result, there are no rankings or rewards. A net time is recorded and published alphabetically.

  • Walkers distribution

    Walkers are sorted per block, according to estimated time (filled in at registration). People able to walk for 9km and beeing born in 2014 and before can participate.

Start :

Chemin des Rasses, Veyrier

Finish :

Parc des Bastions

Discover the route –

Maximum Time

The time limit for the walk is two hours maximum. Walkers who are overtaken by the broom wagon will continue the walk without the supervision of the organizer and under their own responsibility.

The route

Env. 9 km distance

+79 m / -126 m elevation

Net time recorded