
DECEMBER 8, 2024

  • Ranking & Prizes

    The FlexiMix Race is a non-competitive race emphasising individual challenge. As such, there are no rankings or awards. A net time is recorded and published alphabetically.

  • Runners distribution

    Participants start this race and choose to run 1, 2 or 3 laps before or during the race. A signpost is present before the finish line to help with routing.

Start :

Rue de la Croix-Rouge

Finish :

Parc des Bastions

Discover the route –

The routes

2.341 km distance

+49 m / -58 m elevation

Net time recorded

4.832 km distance

+102 m / -111 m elevation

Net time recorded

7.323 km distance

+155 m / -164 m elevation

Net time recorded

Route mapping