Pace blocks races

DECEMBER 7, 2024

  • Ranking & Prizes

    Ranking is by age category and net time, i.e. the time elapsed between crossing the timing mat at the start line and the finish line. The ranking for Block 1 of Race 1 is based on gross time. Prizes will be awarded to the first 5 runners in each category.

  • Runners distribution

    Mixed blocks are formed at the end of registration, according to the number of entrants and the race time: this estimated time will be the time estimated by the competitor at the time of registration.

Start :

Rue de la Croix-Rouge

Finish :

Parc des Bastions

Discover the route –

4.832 km distance

+102 m / -111 m elevation

Gross time


7.323 km distance

+155 m / -164 m elevation

Gross time

Route mapping