Juniors races

DECEMBER 7, 2024

  • Ranking & Prizes

    The ranking is based on gross time, i.e. the time elapsed between the firing of the pistol and crossing the finish line. The top ten finishers in each category will be rewarded in the tent on the Promenade des Bastions.

  • Runners distribution

    Participants in this race are born in 2005 or 2006. This new category aims to promote running among young people.

Start :

Rue de la Croix-Rouge

Finish :

Parc des Bastions

Discover the route –

The routes


Juniors Women

4.832 km distance

+102 m / -111 m elevation

Gross time


Juniors Men

7.323 km distance

+155 m / -164 m elevation

Gross time

Route mapping